19 April 2012

Giving the world a piece of my mind.

Women in Non-Traditional Roles

In 2011, I gave my maiden speech at the Women’s Worlds Conference in Ottawa called “A Run for the Glass”. It was a wonderful experience where women from all corners of the earth came together to celebrate and deliberate strategies to ensure that women continue to make progress around the world. It was an honour and a privilege to be there included in this event.

In two weeks, Halifax is hosting the  2012 CCWESTT Conference (Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology)  with over 300 hundred delegates expected to attend.  Once again, I have the privilege of being not only an Honorary Board Member but I will be presenting a workshop that I have designed called “Surviving an Adverse Environment.”

I’ve been journeying a lifetime - from rural NL to Law School and points in between. I’ve journeyed as a mechanic in the army. I’ve journeyed with good people and people who were not so good. On that journey, I’ve learned a lesson or two – where the rubber hits the road and often the hard way. I’ll share those lessons at the CCWESTT Conference.

As part of three diversity initiatives, I’ve learned that threshold diversity is like throwing a rabbit to the wolves if there are no embedded supports. The logic model of change management is a great tool for organizational change in commercial construction and unionized work. Self awareness and how we undermine ourselves need to be understood if women want to become leaders in industry.

I hope to see you there – it’s not too late to register. Go to the website and come along and meet 300 other delegates from across Canada who are committed to ensuring that courageous women who decide to do it their own way have all the tools they need to maximize their potential.

You will be inspired.

Debbie Adams
Diversity Strategist
PeopleCan Consulting


11 April 2012

Inspiring Sea Change - Women Networking

Inspiring Sea Change - Moving Forward Together

From May 3 - 5th, women from all across the country will come together to share information, learn from and support one another. 

CCWESTT (the Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology) had its beginnings in 1987. Since then it has evolved as a network of member organizations from coast to coast to coast in Canada. CCWESTT promotes the full participation and advancement of Canadian women in science, engineering, trades and technology 

What a wonderful opportunity to meet women from across the country who are working to ensure that we are always moving forward in work that we love to do. Often we have learned from women who have learned the hard way -  we can celebrate these women and their successes during this time. There is a wonderful opportunity for women to "Talk Trades". Looking forward to connecting with the sisters. 

Check out the programming at:

See you there.