When it became evident that it was time to host my own membership group with consistent content I looked to all of the groups that I was part of and took the best practices from each one. I am delighted to offer Profitable Entrepreneurs membership group starting on September 1st and we will start with 25 people.
Why this magic number:
I believe that if our virtual groups are going to take the place of real life groups, we have to have the option to mingle and grow our own lists. Not a lot of groups do this well - I plan on making it part of the Profitable Entrepreneurs group.
With every group that I have joined, I come away with new relationships that are beneficial to business, new leads and opportunities for cross marketing our products and services. I know that this is not the case for all business people. Not everyone knows how to work a virtual room. I am going to teach you how to do this.
The group will have a strong emphasis on money mindset and unconscious bias - two essentials to business success.
What I have learned teaching for more than 10 years is that when adults come together there are many teachers in the room. This group takes this into consideration. I will bring my knowledge about growing a profitable business and that information will expand when it interacts with what you know.
Maybe you want to start your own group one day - I can show you how as well. Here's the link to more infoand if you want more info, please email me at info@peoplecan.ca
Have an amazing day.