Looking back at my own career as a woman in trades, I realize that I would have benefited from connecting with other women in the same situation. I often felt alone and misunderstood by my male colleagues. My only option was to connect with the office staff and they were not experiencing what I was and sometimes there was difficulty relating. Peer support is a wonderful resource and even if you don't have that option onsite, there are other ways of creating it.
Go outside your immediate workplace to create your own group of support. It will take some creativity and your assertiveness skills will be an asset. Contact other employers where you know there are women working in the non-traditional sector and ask them if they want to get together periodically for a gab session. It doesn't have to be formal, you can meet for a drink after work or get together for a meal on a weekend. The idea is to surround yourself with a group of like minded people who will serve as a support system. You have now created a group of go-to people who can immediately understand and appreciate your challenges.
The benefits of knowing you are not alone are amazing. When you have an issue you can share it and someone in the group may have suggestions for how they dealt with that same issue. You can share successes with people who can understand the unique challenges of the industry. It is a win-win for all.
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